Simon T. Bailey
Award-winning keynote speaker, coach, and author
Our guest today is Simon T Bailey, anAward-winning keynote speaker, coach, and author who spent his formative years working in the hospitality business, working for companies like Hyatt and Disney.
In our conversation, we discussed Simon’s approach to leadership and developing people and his fascinating journey. Simon’s story began as the classic American story – starting from the bottom of the ladder in the hospitality business, Simon built a career through commitment and hard work, until he had to take a hard turn. He shares a big mistake he made, and how that stopped his corporate career. His exact word are actually “I totally committed career suicide”.
But as often happens in these cases, crisis becomes a key turning point. Despite the fact he had secured a lucrative corporate offer, Simon decided to follow his passion for speaking in public, teaching and developing people and he bet on himself. The rest is easy to imagine.
Contact Dino at: dino@al4ep.com
Additional Guest Links:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/simontbailey/
Instagram: @simontbailey
Facebook: facebook.com/BrilliantSimonT
YouTube: youtube.com/c/SimonTBaileyIntl
TikTok: tiktok.com/@simontbailey
BrilliantU™: https://www.brilliantu.co/
Resilience@Work: https://resilienceatwork.co/ & https://a.co/d/eRLEST0
Brilliant Coaching: https://www.simontbailey.com/executive-leadership-coaching
State of Working America Report – Thriving in Resilience and Brilliance: https://www.simontbailey.com/resilience-at-work
LinkedIn Newsletter: https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/6781291729917112320/
STBI Newsletter: https://www.simontbailey.com/
Authentic Leadership For Everyday People / Dino Cattaneo
Dino on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dinocattaneo
Podcast Instagram – @al4edp
Podcast Twitter – @al4edp
Podcast Facebook: facebook.com/al4edp
Susan Cattaneo: susancattaneo.bandcamp.com