Kurt Landon
Founder and CEO - Enspira
Today’s guest is Kurt Landon – founder of Enspira, an HR Consulting and Human Capital firm. This is the first of two episodes. In this episode, we focus on how Kurt became a leader, and how working in HR and human capital at firms like Expedia, Biogen and Pinterest prepared him to become a leader. Listen to part 2 here.
Kurt’s Flourless Chocolate cake recipe is here
Key Takeaways
[02:23] – I ask Kurt to share what inspired Enspira, from where he started to where he is now, and some of the key points that formed his strategy.
[06:54] – One of the reasons Kurt started Enspira is to make meaningful change.
[09:23] – What is the sweet point to get your services?
[13:05] – What are some of the particular challenges that start-ups face, that you help them solve?
[14:09] – Kurt gives an example of one of the most fractured and problematic areas.
[17:06] – There are two types of HR professionals, the ones who love recruiting and hiring people and the ones that want to have nothing to do with it.
[18:43] – Who better to run the search for specific positions, than the people who have been working in that organization for years?
[21:15] – The ability to assess talent is superior.
[25:30] – As a CEO, how do you decide what not to do as a company?
[26:03] – The number one thing that differentiates effective leaders from ineffective leaders is the ability to focus and prioritize.
[29:31] – Final question, business expression, or jargon that drives you crazy?
[31:14] – Thank you and closing remarks.
Additional Guest Links:
LinkedIn Enspira: linkedin.com/company/enspira
LinkedIn Kurt: linkedin.com/in/kurt-landon-he-him-3791015/
Authentic Leadership For Everyday People / Dino Cattaneo
Honest Mechanik: https://honestmechanik.bandcamp.com/ (honestmechanik.bandcamp.com)
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Chartable – https://chartable.com/privacy