Erin Sharoni

Erin Sharoni

Chief Product Officer - Foxo Technologies

Today’s guest is Erin Sharoni who right now is the Chief Product Officer at FOXO Technologies. Erin had a fascinating journey to her current position. She left a 6 year career on Wall Street to become a sports reporter for NBC, CBS, Showtime, but after 5 years she decided to leave that field too and followed her passion for science and wellness. She decided to go back to school for science and she is in the process of getting her second scientific Masters at Harvard.

We spent a lot of time discussing how to find one’s passion, and the trade-offs in pursuing it. And since she is an expert in longevity and epigenetics, we closed our conversation talking about what we can learn from epigenetics and what decisions we can make in our daily life to improve our health and longevity.


[02:58] – Give us a little bit of your background and then we can talk about what drove some of your choices.
[04:56] – What were the drivers of those decisions to leave the field and restart from scratch?
[09:40] – Was there a moment when you started realizing that these are the important things for me and how was that moment? When did you transition into making decisions more intentionally in alignment with whatever the values were?
[14:10] – What was the moment when you started saying, okay, I want to serve my purpose, and then identifying what the purpose was and started making decisions, chasing whatever the purpose was?
[19:31] – What drove the decision to go back to school at that point? And what were some of the challenges that you faced?
[22:57] – What are some of the things you did before that could make the transition successful in the experience, less daunting?
[25:54] – You look at where you are now and, and how you are working now, what part of your overall experience coming back and saying, hey, that helped more than I thought at the time.
[28:04] – What is your leadership style and what have you taken from the different environments that you’ve been working through?
[32:31] – What is epigenetics? What are the core elements of the science of longevity and maybe what are some things that people can look into as they try to leave longer or just better?
[38:28] – Are there other examples of this type of application that come to mind and you’re aware of?
[42:41] – What are some of the main areas of intervention that people can start thinking about?
[45:36] – Is there an interest or a hobby outside of your regular work that is important to you and how has that impacted your life at work?
[47:40] – Every era has expressions or business cliches, or pieces of jargon that are so overused, that they lose, meaning, which is one expression that drives you crazy?
[50:01] – To work hard and push something doesn’t mean that that’s a mindset you need to be in all the time.
[51:12] – Food for your body or food for your soul?
[52:47] – Thank you and closing remarks.


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Corporate web site:
Foxolife Instagram: @foxolife
Foxolife Twitter: @FOXOLIFE
Instagram: @erinosharoni
Twitter: @erinsharoni

Authentic Leadership For Everyday People / Dino Cattaneo

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