Cindy Gallop
Founder and CEO - Make Love Not Porn
The first half of Cindy Gallop’s career would have been enough for most people: she was instrumental in building Bartle, Bogle and Hagerty into a global advertising firm, opening and growing both their Asia and US offices. But for the past almost 15 years Cindy has blazed her way into a new uncharted territory.
Her company Make Love Not Porn is driving a really important conversation around sex, sex education and consent. In the process, Cindy has also become a powerful voice in support of women entrepreneurs and women equality in general.
This episode is marked as explicit because some of the topics discussed include sex.
[02:57] – The great tagline on Cindy’s LinkedIn that piqued my curiosity and made me want to have her on the show.
[04:50] – Cindy shares her intro to advertising and why ‘do interesting things, and interesting things will happen to you is her life’s motto.
[06:37] – A leader puts their people ahead of themselves.
[07:46] – The influential bosses who championed Cindy’s career in the male-dominated advertising industry.
[10:21] – To operate with authenticity, identify what you stand for, what you believe in, what you value, and what you’re all about. And then live your life and operate your business accordingly.
[10:37] – Cindy shares the story of how she came up with her “I am the Michael Bay of business” tagline.
[13:33] – The women supporting women’s movement to build a female financial ecosystem.
[15:30] – Cindy shares how Make Love Not Porn celebrates real bodies and real relationships to educate and change people’s sexual attitudes and behavior for the better.
21:07] – The TED talk that went viral pitting the porn world against the real world uncovering a huge global social issue that solidified Cindy’s mission for Make Love Not Porn.
[23:41] – Cindy shares the obstacles to funding and advertising for an adult-based business.
[26:49] – When you have a world-changing startup, you have to change the world to fit it, not the other way around.
[28:21] – The strategies Cindy has used to find investors and raise capital through social channels such as LinkedIn.
[31:20] – I ask Cindy to share her win-win brand-building model for businesses and investors.
[34:06] – Cindy clears up the misconceptions about owning a successful start-up as an over-50 entrepreneur.
[35:33] – I ask Cindy the expression or business jargon that drives her crazy.
[36:58] – Food for the body or food for the soul.
[37:57] – Cindy shares her favorite cocktail.
[38:03] – Thank you and closing remarks.
Cindy Gallop Information
Cindy’s Ted Talk: ted.com/talks/cindy_gallop_make_love_not_porn
Make Love Not Porn: makelovenotporn.tv/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cindygallop/
Instagram: @cindygallop
Twitter: @cindygallop
Authentic Leadership For Everyday People / Dino Cattaneo
Dino on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dinocattaneo
Podcast Instagram – @al4edp
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Podcast Facebook: facebook.com/al4edp
Susan Cattaneo: susancattaneo.bandcamp.com
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