Harvey Seifter

Fred Mandell
We continue the discussion with Harvey Seifter & Fred Mandell. Harvey & Fred are the founders of Creating Futures That Work, a company that uses creative arts and teaching specifically creative arts to people as a way to foster and develop innovation and the ability to work with others.
In this Part 2, Harvey and Fred share the story of how they met and what inspired them to launch Creating Futures That Work. They talk about creating an arts-based learning program and the lessons and insights they learned through the process. Harvey and Fred highlights each other’s strengths and why they were integral in starting their company. Finally, Harvey and Fred speak to the importance of reflection and provide some food for your body and soul.
Key Takeaways:
03:19 – Harvey Seifter & Fred Mandell speak to the journey that led them both to launch Creating Futures That Work
07:39 – Fred’s initial interest in the Arts and the moment he realized he wanted to experiment with bringing the Arts into leadership
13:53 – Trial and error in Arts-based learning and lessons learned through the process
18:09 – Bringing their unique strengths to achieve a common goal
20:06 – The power of reflection
23:11 – Harvey and Fred share some food for your body and food for your soul
31:06 – And now here’s ‘Love Alone,’ a song written and performed by Honest Mechanik
Tweetable Quotes:
“The Arts can be powerful, resonant, immersive learning experiences that are fully transferable into the secular role of leadership in organizations.” (09:37) (Fred)
“It’s a very deep, powerful kind of learning that people go through when they work with the arts. And one of the reasons is because it’s kind of a universal alphabet of creative expression. We all know how to speak this language. We all belong in this. Once we bring ourselves to it, it changes us.” (12:32) (Harvey)
“Fred has always had a really powerful and wonderful focus on the power of reflection.” (20:06) (Harvey)
“For my whole life the most powerful artistic food for my soul has been Mozart. And it has been throughout this time and I’m sure will be tomorrow as well.” (25:49) (Harvey)
Links Mentioned:
Dino’s Email – dino@al4ep.com
Dino’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/al4edp/
Dino’s Twitter – https://twitter.com/al4edp
Authentic Leadership for Everyday People Website – https://authenticleadershipforeverydaypeople.com/
Authentic Leadership for Everyday People Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/al4ep/?ref=page_internal
Creating Futures That Work Website – https://futuresthatwork.com/
Harvey’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/hseifter/
Fred’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredmandell/
Harvey’s Email – hseifter@futuresthatwork.com
Fred’s Email – fred.mandell@futuresthatwork.com
Link to ‘Love Alone’ by Honest Mechanik – https://honestmechanik.bandcamp.com/track/love-alone